Attorney and Mediator Jane L. Triola
It is never easy when a family relationship fails and life-changing decisions need to be made. Oftentimes, family court litigation is driven by negative emotions and what could have been a reasonable business-like agreement between the parties is turned into a time-consuming process that escalates the conflict, rather than resolves it. The parties become entrenched in “winning,” family savings are depleted, and family lawyers, hearing officers, custody evaluators, mental health professionals, substance abuse counselors, and judges determine what is “best” for you and your family.
After 25 years of successfully practicing, navigating and litigating all types of family law matters in St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, Jane has made the decision to focus her time, talents and efforts to help parties save time, save money, and to stay out of the courthouse. As a trained and qualified Custody and Visitation Mediator and a Civil Mediator, Jane believes that it is the parties, not the court system, that are in the best position to determine how the family’s property and financial interests are best handled, and how their children are to be cared for and nurtured. Jane works to validate the role of both parties and to encourage resolution and problem solving by assisting the parties in communicating so that the parties may reach the best possible solution for their unique family and its needs.
A divorce or custody settlement is one of the largest negotiations of your life. Before you and your ex become entrenched in a battle that neither one of you will ever really win, or even if you find yourself already in the midst of what seems like a never-ending war, consider putting down the boxing gloves and trying mediation.
Jane is available to help families negotiate and resolve their disputes face-to-face in a confidential setting, without expensive costs, attorney’s fees and lengthy court proceedings. Jane offers mediation services, as well as legal documentation preparation and pre-mediation case assessments.
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